Schlumberger Pipesim 2011 12
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The equations developed in Schlumberger Pipesim to mimic the behavior of an oil pipeline, obtained by a numerical, solving of the fluid-mechanical, heat and mass equations, have been used to study the influence of the pipe wall thickness on the pressure drop reduction. On the one hand, during the conduct of laboratory tests a suitable calibration that will allow to compare experimental and simulated data, is very important. On the other hand, a numerical simulation provides the opportunity to observe, in real-time, the quality of the data and, consequently, allows the knowledge of the status of a pipeline and its design.
The Pipesim® software consists of a library of modules that can be added to the software as needed to meet a specific engineering problem. These modules can be specific to a particular numerical task. Those modules that implement specific features, such as the module that implements the numerical method for Brent's resolution can be turned on or off according to specific application requirements. During the application process, the software must be able to correctly integrate multiple modules, numbers, physics and databases. The system user must be able to easily configure the “interfaces” between the different modules and numbers. 7211a4ac4a